A secure practice management solution that eliminates threats before they reach you

Clients trust you with their data, we keep it secure. Our experienced security team equips our legal practice management software with state-of-the-art technology that detects, investigates, and stops threats before they can impact your firm’s operations.

SOC 2 compliant badge


CARET Legal is the first cloud-based, end-to-end legal practice management platform to achieve SOC 2 compliance. This means we guarantee only the highest levels of security, confidentiality and privacy.

PCI logo


Sensitive payment information, including credit card numbers, are always secure within the CARET Legal system.

Consider these data security questions when assessing a new LPM

legal technology and data security checklist

Our Legal Practice Management Security Features

External security audits

Our security experts identify and address latent hazards within application and infrastructure layers by using the power of manual penetration strategies. These efforts are also supplemented by external security companies through automated probing services that scan for potential vulnerabilities in our applications, systems, and networks every 24 hours.

Advanced encryption

All documents and critical data are encrypted using a dynamic multi-iteration 2048-bit process. Certain data, such as passwords, are also protected with randomly generated cryptographic salt.

Secure data transmission

All data from CARET Legal’s servers is transmitted directly to your device through a bank-grade TLS encryption that prevents digital eavesdropping by unauthorized parties.

Brute force attack countermeasures

CARET Legal identifies abnormal activities indicative of a brute force attack. When hackers automate different letter, number, or word combinations to gain access to an account, our system undertakes a variety of measures at the firewall and application level to prevent unauthorized access to your data.

Data redundancy and backup

CARET Legal utilizes industry-leading services to ensure your documents and data are backed up on a daily basis. This means, if servers go down, connecting servers will auto-rollover so your access is never interrupted.

Security policies

We maintain policies designed to protect the integrity and privacy of your data. This includes two-factor authentication when sharing access with new external users, stringent password strength requirements, and detailed logging of activities from the infrastructure level and within accounts.

Ready to take your firm further with a modern, cloud-based platform with 24/7 support?

Get started with a free trial, or schedule a demo to see how our legal practice management software helps you work smarter and maximize revenue.